LAN Party – Turkey Giblets 12th Annual Edition

LAN partiers

Atch is hosting the “Turkey Giblets, 12th Annual Edition, LAN party!”

Wait! We said this LAN Party was going to be back to the Thanksgiving Day weekend schedule. What gives?
We can always rely on Mark to screw things up! 😉 Unfortunately he has some family obligations that will keep him away from home this Thanksgiving so we moved the Turkey LAN once more.

The plan:
We’ll start Friday evening after 5:00 pm, (November 16th) and go into Sunday. Bring your own computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, headphones, comfortable clothes/PJ’s, slippers, and any other “accessories” you need.

The Games:
Hero’s of the Storm
Star Craft 2 – And whatever messed up version of Red Circle is 
available, plus whatever tower defense we can find.
Fortnite – Because we’re all 12 years old still…. right?

The food:
BYO Snacks! I am also open to anyone cooking a meal of their choice. I think everyone has a meal I really love! Just let me know if you are interested in feeding the troops.

Friday night: Dinner is TBD

SaturdayBreakfast by atch71. Probably omeletsDinner is TBD.

Sunday: Breakfast TBD Dinner is TBD.

The drink:
BYOB! In case you forget there is a Kroger about 5 minutes away. There is also a small refrigerator in the basement.

The place:
Atch’s Place!

The when:
Friday November 16th. Setup starts after 5:00pm.  Early bird set up is not available for this LAN Party.

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